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There are many events coming up for Vintage Enthusiasts & Collectors alike. Check out the details below. If you have an event you wish to advertise, please email the details to info@vintagebarn.co.nz.
Vintage Barn is not the organiser of this event; please make direct contact with the organiser if you would like more information.
Napier Model Fair
Napier Boy's High School Gymnasium Chambers Street, Te Awa, NapierBoats, Trains, Planes, Ships, Cars, Trucks EFTPOS AVAILABLE ENTRY GOLD COIN DONATION Enquiries to: rarrell@nbhs.school.nz The show is aimed at supporting the constructive hobby of miniature crafts and kit set...
Vintage Barn is not the organiser of this event; please make direct contact with the organiser if you would like more information.