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There are many events coming up for Vintage Enthusiasts & Collectors alike. Check out the details below. If you have an event you wish to advertise, please email the details to info@vintagebarn.co.nz.
Vintage Barn is not the organiser of this event; please make direct contact with the organiser if you would like more information.
The Auckland Collectable Doll & Toy Fair
Alexandra Park cnr Greenlane West & Manukau Road, AucklandDolls, Teddys, Miniatures, Games, Trains, Tin Toys, Cars, Books, Lego, Star Wars etc.... Alexandra Park Raceway Cnr Greenland & Manukau Roads Epsom contact Brian 09 820 1900 vickimoss@xtra.co.nz
Vintage Barn is not the organiser of this event; please make direct contact with the organiser if you would like more information.